Thrust 1: Synthesis, Defects, and Impurities of Ultra Materials

Goals: Understanding growth chemistry for materials with high melting temperatures, defect formation and impurity incorporation during synthesis, compensation, substitutional doping to span intrinsic to degenerate doping.
Thrust Leaders: Timothy Grotjohn, Debdeep Jena
Thrust Investigators: Robert Nemanich, Fernando Ponce, Arunima Singh, David Smith, Yuji Zhao, Mary Ellen Zvanut
Researchers: Tathagata Biswas, Jesse Brown, Yongjin Cho, Alec Fischer, Franz Koeck, Mohamadali Malakoutian, Robert Mecham, Matthias Muhle, Thai-Son Nguyen, Afaq Piracha
Thrust 2: Heterogeneous Interfaces

Goals: Develop new routes to epitaxial heterostructures, selective epitaxy, and dielectric heterostructures of UWBG materials. Important issues include band offsets, interface/surface states, bonding configurations, Fermi level control, electric field design, and charge transfer, modulation and polarization doping.
Thrust Leaders: Arunima Singh, David Smith
Thrust Investigators: Stephen Goodnick, Robert Nemanich, Fernando Ponce, H. Grace Xing, Yuji Zhao, Mary Ellen Zvanut
Researchers: Jesse Brown, Tathagata Biswas, Yuke Cao, Yongjin Cho, Alec Fischer, Franz Koeck, Takuya Maeda, Mohamadali Malakoutian, Robert Mecham, Matthias Muhle, Thai-Son Nguyen, Afaq Piracha, Chanu Savant
Thrust 3: Carrier Dynamics and High Field Transport Phenomena

Goals: Understanding high field carrier transport, confinement effects, breakdown phenomena and electron-phonon interactions at heterostructure and heterojunction interfaces of UWBG semiconductors, dielectrics and vacuum. Re-evaluate standard models of high field transport, far from equilibrium material systems, and breakdown in Ultra materials.
Thrust Leaders: Jack Flicker, H. Grace Xing
Thrust Investigators: Srabanti Chowdhury, Stephen Goodnick, Robert Nemanich, Marco Saraniti
Researchers: Kai Fu, Takuya Maeda, Anthony Rice, Chandu Savant, Jonah Shoemaker, Kari Slotten, Harshad Surdi, Reza Vatanmejdanshahi, Kelly Woo
Thrust 4: Thermal Energy Transport and Interfaces

Goals: Understand thermal transport in bulk and thin film UWBG materials, and at their interfaces, including effects from phonon scattering and phonon density of states that can enable new approaches to heat energy transport. Determine how material properties affect heat energy transport, and how disorder at interfaces and interfacial layers affect thermal transport across boundaries. Understand electron-phonon interactions and the electrothermal behavior of materials.
Thrust Leaders: Alexander Balandin, Martin Kuball
Thrust Investigators: Timothy Grotjohn, Debdeep Jena, Marco Saraniti, Richard Wilson, Yuji Zhao
Researchers: Joy Acharjee, Subhajit Ghosh, Fariborz Kargar, Samreen Khan, Takuya Maeda, Ky Merrill, Chen Yang
Cross-Cutting Theme: Co-Design Ecosystem

Objectives: Co-design is our cross-cutting theme and has two main objectives: (1) the integration of theory, synthesis, fabrication, and characterization in the four research thrusts as co-design process to rapidly meet the research goals and objectives of the Ultra EFRC; and (2) utilization of research products and discoveries to make predictive assessment of their potential impact in power electronics, and the electric grid network, and to provide feedback to the research thrusts and their direction.
Theme Leaders: Stephen Goodnick, Bob Kaplar
Theme Investigators: Srabanti Chowdhury, Jack Flicker, Martin Kuball, Arunima Singh, H. Grace Xing
Research Institutions